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Win more clients with
personalised outreach

With inbound leads, you get what you're given. With Matchstick, you get what you want.

Why outbound sales?

Amid economic uncertainties and perpetual crises, outbound sales - the proactive approach to reaching potential clients - is a vital tool for finding new business ahead of competition. It enables you to consistently fill your pipeline with opportunities that fit your ICP (Ideal Client Profile), leading to predictable revenue.

Curate Your Clients

A bull's eye target

With content marketing, the audience that sees it, and their engagement are out of your control. With outbound, you dictate exactly who you approach and ultimately, who you work with.

Control Your Pipeline

A growth chart

Instead of relying on referrals and hoping for clients to show up, create a pipeline and have a reliable stream of high-intent leads. Remove uncertainty with a scalable and repeatable process.

Build Relationships

A jigsaw puzzle indicating building relationships in sales

Direct, relevant, and personalised outreach ensures lasting positive image of your brand, and nurtures meaningful interactions, attracting more of the projects that energise you.


What your outbound looks like with Matchstick

A handshake

1. ICP Analysis

Our team dives deep into your business strategy and competitive market, studying your ICP and their specific pain points that your product/service solves. 

A magnifying glass indicating sales prospecting

2. Data Sourcing and Contact List Building

We identify your 'wishlist' Tier 1 accounts that we will contact on your behalf. To ensure highest quality, all data and contacts are validated by hand with 99% accuracy, and email deliverability is optimised.

A group of people with one person highlighter to indicate personalisation in sales

3. Hyper-Personalised Messaging

Our team crafts highly personalised multi-channel messages unique to each contact, addressing their individual pain points. Everything is written by humans to ensure relevancy, authenticity, and human touch. This tailored approach guarantees that our message will stand out and connect with your audience.

A paper airplane to show a sales campaign launch

4. Campaign Execution

We deliver campaigns across email, phone, LinkedIn, direct mail, and video, and book meetings with qualified leads directly on your calendar. All messaging is personalised and every touchpoint is timed based on the contacts' engagement to ensure a lasting positive image of your brand while fostering new relationships. 

Example of a 30-day sequence

Individually crafted for every prospect on your behalf​

Email 1

Subject Line: Loved your interview on the Sparks podcast


Hi Rachel,


Just finished listening to your fascinating interview on the Sustainability Sparks podcast, the point you raised on the difficulties unlocking supply chain data really struck a chord.


With the ever increasing awareness around environmental issues, consumers and regulators want to know the sustainability impact of products and services.


Circularity’s digital product passports provide you with a detailed record of your product's origin, material composition, LCA and environmental data backed by blockchain-powered chain of custody, unlocking valuable supply chain data.


{{We can discuss the details on a call, but first I wanted to find out if this is something you might be interested in.}}




{{Custom subject line}} - Increases open rates versus industry standard. Personalised to ensure that your prospect knows they are are not part of an automated mass email campaign.


{{Relevant Personalisation}} - Demonstrates the individual nature of our messaging by highlighting a recent development in the prospect's business that you can assist them with.


{{Their challenge/pain point}} - Linking the relevance and pain/challenge they are faced with, and demonstrating your understanding of what needs to be done to help them achieve their goal.


{{Why they should choose us}} - One sentence which offers a high level overview of what you offer and how you can do it for them.


{{Soft CTA}} - At this stage we want to gauge interest without going straight in with a hard ask.

Industries that we serve

We are industry agnostic, focusing on purpose-led agencies, startups, and SMEs that strive to meet high standards of social and environmental performance or offer ethical and regenerative B2B solutions. Our services are best suited for companies targeting contract values of €15K+.


We choose not to work with companies directly involved in fossil fuels, arms, or mining.

orange watercolour background

Save up to €2250/month with our tech stack

Hubspot logo
Prospeo sales tool logo
ChatGPT logo
Zerobounce logo
LinkedIn sales navigator logo
Phantombuster logo
Notion logo
Sendspark - personalised video at scale - logo
Clay logo
Cardly logo
Apollo prospecting tool logo
Quickmail logo

The hardest part of closing a deal is finding it.

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