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To know how to do something well is to enjoy it

Matchstick is the marriage of our ambition to put people and the planet before profits, and our deep appreciation of the sales process. 

We love our planet and aim to live responsibly and give back in every little or grand way that we can.


It breaks our hearts to know that at least 1 person every 4 seconds dies from inequality, while 1/3 of all food produced globally gets wasted, and whilst we don't have the solutions to fix social and environmental issues, we possess myriad skills that we can put at the service of companies that make a difference.


We share 30+ years of combined experience in all aspects of the sales function, and have managed thousands of sales campaigns across the globe that have generated tens of millions in revenue.


We've created Matchstick to show what can be accomplished with hard work, a lot of love, and respect for the craft of selling, and we feel honoured to use it as a force for good.


Matchstick was formed in 2023, and our goal is to become B Corp certified by 2025.


We donate at least 1% of our turnover to environmental causes.


We plant trees for every new client that we sign.​

Why choose Matchstick:

Two people holding a tropy

Quality Over Quantity

We give sales a good name by delivering targeted low-volume campaigns, carefully curated across email, phone, video, LinkedIn, and direct mail. Our human-written personalised messaging cuts through the clatter, speaks directly to the pain points of your ICP, and forms meaningful connections.  


See our process

A scale with the planet outweighing profit

Supporting Those Who Care

We believe that business needs to serve people and the planet, and we are committed to helping those who have the same idea. Our clients are purpose-led agencies, startups, and SMEs. We choose not to work with businesses directly involved in fossil fuels, arms, or mining.


See our work

A woman working listening to music

Work Hard, Be Kind

We love the sales process and have dedicated our careers to honing the craft. Our team is diligent, creative, and small enough to give your business the attention it needs to thrive. 



Meet our team

Hand with a seedling

Fair Pricing

We win when you win. You pay a small monthly retainer + a pre-agreed success fee, ensuring a minimal upfront investment for you. Our plans start from just €1490 per month.



See our pricing

The hardest part of closing a deal is finding it.

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