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Code of Ethics



(Last updated: May 13, 2024)


Our business principles

Our Code of Ethics underpins everything we do as a business. We will promote the values of business as a force for good, demonstrate our responsibility to people and planet, and create shared value with all our stakeholders. We welcome feedback on our work and commit to learn from this.


Our responsibility to our planet

We will at all times seek to minimise the environmental impact of our activities, always complying with all environmental protection legislation and seeking to minimise waste.


Our responsibility to each other

- We will at all times treat our colleagues with dignity and respect, and we will value every individual's time and effort.

- We will work as a team, encourage collaboration, and strive to be empathetic and supportive.

- We will embrace the value of diversity and we will not tolerate discrimination or harassment.

- We will value openness and honesty and encourage everyone to speak up and share their opinions and concerns.

- We will keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas.


Our responsibility towards our community

- We will protect the integrity and privacy of those within our community.

- We will not pre-judge or discriminate against members of our community on cultural, ethnic, religious, or other grounds.


Our behaviour towards our partners and clients

- We will work with other organisations in a professional and honest way.

- We will actively promote an increase in purpose, sustainability, social impact and collaboration with those we work with.

- We will maintain our independence and, while respecting the diversity of points of view, defend our values when working with others.

- We will reserve the right to not work with any organisation or individual who does not meet our ethical standards.


Our behaviour towards suppliers and consultants

- We will expect those working on our behalf to align with our ethics and promote our values through their work with us.

- We will not accept favours or bribes or allow personal affiliations to influence the award of contracts.

- We will not tolerate child labour or any form of modern day slavery in our suppliers.

- We will be fair and reasonable in our financial practices towards others.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Code of Ethics, do not hesitate to contact us at

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